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Leveraging CEPs to Drive Success in Omnichannel Marketing

Does your business struggle to view a 360-customer approach of its customers across?

This indicates the need to empower your omnichannel marketing to change the business dynamics and lifecycle while driving growth. As defined by Gartner, an omnichannel experience is:

“One that provides a customer-centric experience based on how customers shop, without any channel limitations or restrictions.”

Modern Consumers and the Need for Personalization

Imagine if… you came across a very elegant pair of shoes while navigating your favourite store’s website, added them to the cart, and decided to hold on for some time.

Later that day, as you scroll through social media, an ad shows the same shoes but with a personalized discount code this time. Clicking the ad directs you to the store’s app, where your purchase is completed within a few steps.

This experience, where consumer interaction with the brand transitions across different channels with no complications – from the website to social media to the mobile app – comes through an omnichannel marketing strategy.

What Do Modern Consumers Expect from Businesses?

Modern consumers expect this sort of convenience and consistency in their interactions with brands regardless of what channel they engage with. Without a cohesive omnichannel strategy, marketers risk losing new and existing customers.

According to McKinsey’s research, 72% of customers want customer-centric experiences. While more than 50% of customers engage with three to five channels before making any purchases.

Omnichannel marketing is a strategic approach that focuses on providing customers with a unified and integrated experience across all channels and touchpoints. Stay goal-oriented! Because the goal is to create a superb journey for your customers, regardless of what channel they choose to engage with the brand.

Be the Best Performer – Empower Your Omnichannel Strategy with a Powerful CEP

Businesses that excel in delivering omnichannel experiences with the help of customer engagement platforms (CEPs). The top benefit of a CEP is that it qualifies the team to be able to add consistency and personalization to customer interactions across diverse channels.

Integrating data, analytics, and automation features empowers marketers to craft personalized and timely communications that resonate fully with their target audience and help with the segmentation process.

6 Top Benefits of CEPs

6 Top Benefits of customer engagement platforms
  1. Increased Customer Lifetime Value: With CEPs, businesses understand and analyze customer preferences, tailoring strategies for long-term value. Personalized experiences drive repeat purchases and higher spending over time.
  2. Strengthened Loyalty: CEP-driven marketing fosters emotional bonds with customers across channels, fostering loyalty and advocacy. Consistent engagement nurtures relationships and encourages repeat business.
  3. Repeat Purchase Incentives: CEPs enable effective retention tactics like loyalty programs and personalized offers, enticing customers to return. By rewarding loyalty, businesses drive ongoing engagement and revenue growth.
  4. Seamless Data Integration: CEPs blend customer data from diverse sources, offering a complete picture of preferences and behaviors.
  5. Tailored Experiences: Armed with detailed customer insights, businesses craft personalized messages and offers that increase customer satisfaction and engagement.
  6. Stronger Customer Relationships: Personalized omnichannel experiences foster trust and loyalty, boosting long-term retention rates.

A Huge Success Story – Omnichannel Marketing and CEPs

Sephora has been championing the immersive shopping experience by connecting its physical stores to its online app.

Sephora linked extensive information from all its physical stores and leveraged it online by allowing customers to scan and search. Adding a unique feature throughout the app, customers were enabled to scan products freely, and they would access honest online reviews and product ratings.

The brand has harnessed the immense customer data it has accumulated over the years to offer an exceptional connected experience.

In fact, the brand constantly monitors best-performing engagement channels to understand customers’ most preferred touchpoints. Acting on this information has helped Sephora insanely boost its digital sales.

Future Trends – The Use of AI in CEPs 

Emerging technological advancements have reshaped, changed, and influenced omnichannel marketing. Concepts such as AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics have definitely flipped the scales!

MoEngage, a leading CEP, exemplifies this trend with advanced personalization capabilities. Using AI-driven algorithms, it analyzes vast amounts of customer data to understand preferences, behaviors, and search intent.

  1. Predictive Segmentation: MoEngage’s predictive segmentation feature automatically categorizes users based on their likelihood to churn, purchase, or engage with specific content. This enables businesses to deliver hyper-personalized messages, offers, and recommendations in real-time.
  2. Personalization at Scale: MoEngage’s Sherpa and Next Best Action (NBA) functionalities revolutionize personalization by leveraging AI insights to determine the best channel and timing for each user’s engagement.
  3. Automated Content Creation: MoEngage’s Merlin AI automates content creation, generating campaign copies, assets, and product descriptions using generative AI models.
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Don’t Lose Customers in the Gaps!

Bridge the Omnichannel Divide with Robust Strategies by…

Picture of Sherouk Badr

Sherouk Badr

Analytics Content Executive at e-CENS

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