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Data Transformation


Data you can’t transform – can not create value.

Data Transformation
Maximize value of your most valuable asset

Do you envision a transformation for business and customer experience? Do you need a trusted technology and data expert by your side to help implement your vision?

Online Experience Tracking and Measurement

e-CENS is an experienced Data Transformation Service provider with a significant track record of designing and implementing effective data transformation initiatives across leading global organizations in multiple industries.

You have a firm grasp of your business’s future state and how to measure its digital transformation success.

Data privacy and protection compliance now receive scrutiny at the highest levels of the organization.

If you do not have clear answers to these questions, start from the fundamentals.

Best case scenario, many teams might be involved and are sometimes available to help, but they all own parts of the data capture and transformation process, and nobody has the full responsibility to ensure data accuracy.

e-CENS Clients are Saying

Industries We Serve​

governments Data Transformation
hospitality Data Transformation
publishing Data Transformation
subscription based industries Data Transformation
Subscription-based industries
telecoms Data Transformation
tourism boards
Tourism boards

Data Transformation Taskforce Coordination

Data transformation and data governance are naturally company-wide initiatives. Their success depends on implementing the right tools. And, it requires the orchestration of activities of multiple teams, such as:

  • IT team
  • Content team
  • Analytics team
  • UX/UI team
  • Marketing Automation team, etc.


We work with all the key players in your organization as an independent, impartial expert, engaging everyone to meet the same objectives.

What Should You Expect from e-CENS Data Transformations Projects?

Whether you lead analytics, marketing, or digital transformation – you will drive the change and will need reliable partners by your side. e-CENS will work with you to develop the roadmap and blueprint of data transformation, involving the right stakeholders and collaborating across your complex organization.


Online Activities: Tracking and Tagging

During the business’s normal course, analysts implement multiple tracking tags for research or optimization projects. The analysts usually set parameters around firing conditions, rules, the information being collected, etc. These specifications must be documented and followed precisely in implementation. Unfortunately, old forgotten tags can be discovered years later that are not accounted for in the documentation.

The bar is set very high for the accuracy and regulatory compliance of customer data collection and analytics implementations. Our audit always verifies whether the implementations from many past years still match the current documentation.

If we are your implementation team, then we test the accuracy before pushing any code into production. After tracking tags have been rolled into production, we perform regression tests.

Similarly, we ensure that all parts of your organization follow the most rigorous process to be compliant at all times. Compliance, data governance, and precise digital intelligence tracking require proper implementation processes.

Is tagging now implemented following the right process? Does your team know the proper way of implementing compliant tracking on the website that changes constantly?

We formulate and implement the processes and procedures for your organization that will continue to work with your website’s growth.


New Data Integrity

Proper tagging and tracking ensure the collection of the right data for some time after the initial implementation. However, data integrity requires constant maintenance. The business objectives and KPIs constantly evolve; changing quickly the requirements and the digital footprint. 

Shortly after the implementation, you might need to collect different information or run different tests. Will your existing architecture support your new campaigns? 

Our processes allow you to verify whether your data architecture will match your new goals. We position you to ensure that your data architecture is up to date with the evolving compliance and business requirement landscape.

Will the change in your business realities risk compromising data integrity? If the business objectives are changing with the website, so should data tracking.

We help you implement the tools to constantly monitor whether the tracking is still firing and collecting the right information.


Essential Data Transformation Layer:
Data Engineering

In the process of data transformation, we perform multiple data engineering activities. The data needs to be manipulated to become manageable and structured to provide new insights. A multidimensional picture comes to life when all data is unified and properly architected.

When we go through the data transformation process, we often identify hidden data collection and usage scenarios. Overall, we simplify your data infrastructure by removing complexities and inefficiencies. 

We combine and store in such a way that it is accessible to multiple business stakeholders for mining and action triggering. We then apply data science to improve the customer experience and build predictive algorithms to anticipate their next steps.

We use multiple ETL and BI tools for these data engineering activities. The resulting data is properly stitched and configured to be used by people running marketing campaigns and by machine learning algorithms.

Did You Work with Multiple Agencies in the Past? Have You Recently Worked with External Parties?

Have you ever changed marketing agencies? When you let go of the agency, they may, inadvertently, leave behind tracking tags. These tracking pixels allow them to collect information, make money, or accidentally compromise your site and data security. This risk is even higher if multiple external parties manage your site for you.

e-CENS experts will find redundant old tags, tags from agencies or third parties, tags that should have been removed but were not, providing you with peace of mind and compliant data practices.

New Website Data Tracking

If you are building a new website, are your goals still the same? If the KPIs are similar, you could replicate 80% of the existing data collection architecture and update the remaining 20%. With every major digital property, like a microsite or a blog site implementation, you may need to assign different KPIs and revise the tagging architecture.

Nonetheless, you cannot introduce a new website and data architecture without including compliance mechanisms to do right by the user and satisfy the regulators.

We work with you to gather new requirements and realign the tagging and tracking with the new site or new objectives while ensuring compliance.

Data Transformation Tools and Technologies

We have deep expertise in the constantly evolving field of data transformation methods and tools. Technology on the analytics side is changing dramatically with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 and server-side tracking by Tealium, Adobe, and others.

e-CENS is tool-agnostic and will work with any solution you currently have in place. If you do not have any technology or wish to upgrade the existing one, we will help you choose and implement the tracking and governance tools that are right for your organization.

Need additional expertise to implement Data Transformation?

Contact us for more information and to discuss your Data Transformation needs.

Data Transformation Service Benefits
