Customer Journey Mapping


Highly targeted audiences and customer segments supported advanced personalization for greater user engagement.

Conversion Rate Optimization


Learn how partnering with e-CENS tripled a telecommunications business’ CRO through a Google Analytics (360)-enhanced e-Commerce implementation.

Welcome to e-CENS


Evolving as e-CENS Taking stock, reflecting on the past, considering the future. We’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last few months. We have been asking ourselves how to best continue to make our clients successful in a constantly changing and constantly challenging digital marketing environment. We looked at what we like to […]

Data-Driven Decision Making: Insights for Better Outcomes


Long gone (or should be) are the days where important decisions and insight come by way of the HiPPO method. You know, decisions that just default to the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO). This is typically the default when there is no data to back up…

BigQuery Performance Optimization and Cost Governance


Google BigQuery is one of the most popular and powerful cloud-based analytics solutions on the market. Google is constantly optimizing and enriching BigQuery’s capabilities and performance and this is always noticed in every Google NEXT conference. As powerful as BigQuery is there are certain elements to be considered as best practices while interacting with it. Whether […]

Enhanced Google Analytics Tracking for Video Publishers


Is your investment in video generating ad revenue, decreasing support costs, or providing an engaging end-user experience overall? Regardless of the vertical you’re working in, it’s important to track video engagement as accurately and descriptively as possible. For a publisher, a technical support provider, or an educational destination that offers a multitude of video content, […]

11 Tactics for TV Attribution with Google Analytics


Definitive, comprehensive TV attribution remains quite challenging, but with a wide range of tips and tactics from e-CENS consultants and solution designers – covering Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Data Studio, and a little bit of predictive modeling on Google Cloud Platform – you can begin gauging the digital response to your TV ads. You can’t […]

Keep Calm and Focus on Your Customer


Let’s start today’s post with some numbers. Any idea what the following percentages might represent? 71% 5% 57% 21% Save your response, we’ll get back to this later. Over the last few weeks, E-Nor clients have been contacting me about ITP 2.1. What…

Customer Journey for Requirements Gathering


Welcome back to the third installment of my blog series on Requirements Gathering. In this post, I’ll be diving into a method that builds upon the Grammarian’s Approach from the first in the series. Using the Customer Journey to Gather Requirements…