Google Data Studio 101

google data studio

About this course:

This kickstarter course has been designed for beginners who are new to Google Data Studio. With the help of this course, you will understand the basics of creating Data Studio reports and the best practices of data visualization.

I: Review of key concepts

Topics covered:

Review of key concepts of Reporting (including Google Analytics basics) before diving into Data Studio (20 Minutes)

II: Introduction to Data Studio

Topics covered:

Get familiar with permissions, sharing options, the interface, and find out what Data Studio is all about)

III: Navigate Data Studio

Topics covered:

IV: Creating a report

Topics covered:

V: Format and design reports

Topics covered:

Learning Outcome

By the end of this course, you will learn how to integrate your own Google Analytics data into a Google Data Studio report. You will be able to own a report that you will be able to share with your organization.

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